No one wants to think about getting injured while enjoying a camping trip, but it's definitely important to be prepared. Don't head out to your favorite campground without first packing a first aid kit stocked with all the basics you might need in the event of an injury, illness, or other emergency situation.
Printable Checklist for a Camping First Aid Kit
If you're ready to start filling up a first aid kit with the essential supplies needed for any camping trip, use the printable checklist provided here to get started. Simply click the image below to access the document. It'll open as an editable PDF in a separate tab or window (depending on your computer's settings). Use this guide to printables if you need help accessing the document. Once the file is open, you can save and print the checklist as-is or edit it first to make any adjustments necessary based on your needs or those of others who will be camping with you.
Quantity Considerations
When deciding how much of each supply item to include, you'll need to take into account how many people you'll typically camp with and how long it might take to get from your campsite to a hospital, urgent care clinic or doctor's office in the event of an emergency.
- Be sure you have a sufficient supply of medication and wound care supplies for at least 24 hours for each person in your party - ideally longer.
- If you'll be in the backcountry, it's better to aim to have a 72-hour supply of key items.
- Take dosage and treatment guidelines for each item in the kit into consideration, as well as the number of people you'll be camping with.
- Balance the need to have plenty of first aid supplies against how large of a kit you can feasibly work in to your camping plans.
Keep Your First Aid Kit Up-to-Date
According to, the shelf life of a purchased first aid kit ranges from three years to five years. When you put together your own kit, you'll need to consider the expiration dates of the items you pack, as well as the impact usage and storage might have on them. For example, if you open a tube of ointment and fail to put the lid on properly, it might dry out. You may want to consider purchasing individual packets of creams and ointments, such as those available from First Aid Products Online to keep this from occurring.
Replenishing Your Kit
If you camp often, it's in your best interest to replenish any survival supplies that you use during a camping trip as soon as you get home. That way, your kit will always be fully stocked and ready to go. Even so, get in the habit of doing a quick inventory before each camping trip, just to be sure that you have a sufficient quantity of each item for your upcoming adventure. This is the best way to make sure your kit is sufficiently stocked before you find yourself in a situation where you urgently need first aid supplies.
Expand Your Kit as Needed
The printable checklist provided here contains the most basic essential items. Depending on the type of camping you plan to do, you may need a more comprehensive kit. For example, if you go on a backcountry camping trip, you'll want additional items appropriate for a wilderness survival kit. If you'll be camping with dogs, you'll also need to put together a canine first aid kit. The key is to make sure you're prepared for hazards you may experience during the kinds of camping outings you participate in. You may even want to have separate kits for different kinds of outings, such as one specific to backcountry adventures and another for RV camping or improved tent campsites.